35mm slides, overhead transparencies


You should create your page to be the right size and shape for 35mm slides.

A correctly shaped image for a 35mm slide.

A correctly shaped image for a 35mm slide.

Using a page of 7.33 x 11 inches landscape is one way to get this.

Another page size could be 6.67 x 10 inches landscape.

Just a spacer!

A correctly shaped image but the wrong orientation.

A correctly shaped image but the wrong orientation.

A page of 7.33 x 11 inches portrait is one way to get this.

Just a spacer!

An incorrectly shaped image but the right orientation.

An incorrectly shaped image but the right orientation.

A page using Legal size paper landscape is one way to get this.

slideshape.gif img src=

The representations above do not show the sharpness of 35mm slides, but they should give you a good idea how to set your page size and shape correctly.

Production of these items has ended. This page is for information only. Photographic Specialties is no longer producing slides and transparencies. I have been self-employed for 35 years, but looking forward to retirement since my wife died five years ago. With the decline of conventional photography and the recent recession, the availability of film and chemicals as well as the volume of work has declined to such an extent that it is no longer possible to have fresh chemicals to develop film. I hope that if you still need conventional slides and transparencies, you will be able to find someone who can produce them for you. Thank you for your orders over the years.

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Copyright © 1999-2009 PhotoGraphic Specialties